SSMHC Requested Changes to MAHC’s Plan

  • Increased Acute Care Beds in South Muskoka: Number of acute care beds at the future South Muskoka site to at least 60 beds
  • Care Close to Home: elimination of mandatory transfer to the Huntsville site for any condition requiring six or more days of inpatient care
  • Physician Recruitment and Retention: Input from local physicians must be obtained and respected in the planning process 
  • Equitable allocation of ALC: Allocation of all ALC beds to Huntsville site is short-sighted relative to other concerns raised in this list
  • Site Selection Re-evaluated: MAHC’s selected site in Bracebridge is a retired quarry, with identified poor soil conditions.  Remediation costs are grossly  unreasonable and this will also impact future expansion possibilities at this site
  • Transportation Plan (for the Realities of Muskoka): Ontario Health must mandate MAHC to produce a workable transportation plan that reflects realities of life in Muskoka (i.e. remote communities with high levels of wealth inequality and lack of public transit) in order to support a primary hospital in the northern part of Muskoka away from the majority of the population
  • Realistic Analysis and Further Public Consultation Concerning Transfer Rates to Huntsville Site: Additional disclosure, consultation and planning to address transfer rates between hospital sites for public’s awareness