February 6, 2025: Ontario Election page is up and running. Join us at the Norwood Cinema on February 22 at 10 a.m. for a public forum discussion. Candidates are invited to attend.
January 24, 2025: SSMHC Chair, Jason Cole, has written to the Premier and the Minister of Health requesting a meeting to discuss changes to the MAHC Made in Muskoka model.

Releases from SSMHC
SSMHC Request to Meet with Provincial Minister of Health
I write to you as the Chair of the Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) and on behalf of this healthcare advocacy group with over 200 active members in Muskoka. Specifically, the SSMHC is requesting a meeting with the Minister of Health to advise on significant changes to the hospital redevelopment plan submitted by Muskoka…
New Year’s Message from the Committee Chair
Happy New Year! With this New Year upon us, I am writing to introduce myself as the recently-appointed Chair for the Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC). This time of year also allows us to highlight our accomplishments through 2024 and to identify priorities for the next 12 months.
Statement from SSMHC on MAHC’s Submission of the “Made in Muskoka” Model to the Province
As Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) prepares to submit its final stage 1.3 proposal to the province in the coming days, the Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) and the South Muskoka community are, on the whole, remaining optimistic. As the planning process now moves to the province, we look forward to advocating for further adjustments…
Position Update from the Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee – October 18, 2024
The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) is writing to clarify its position. This position update is warranted given the sudden events that transpired last week with the announcement of 10 additional beds at the future South Muskoka site. While the SSMHC is encouraged by and supportive ofthe increase in beds, there remain ongoing, urgent…
Letter from Physicians – 46 Bed Proposal from MAHC Redevelopment Committee (Oct. 7, 2024)
An Open Letter to the Residents of South Muskoka: “Act Like Your Life Depends On It: Continuing the Good Fight”
Dear Resident and Neighbour: We write with shocking and disappointing news concerning our community’s fight to save South Muskoka Hospital. The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) is informed that Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) is submitting to Ontario Health for a wholly inadequate 36-bed hospital at the South Muskoka site within days.
MAHC Working Groups Another Fiction in a Broken Collaborative Process
The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) writes to respond to the recent Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) initiative to establish community working groups. This is a disingenuous attempt to appear to be on a “collaborative” path with stakeholders. To date, MAHC has lacked substance, accuracy and transparency in every aspect of the redevelopment project. MAHC’s…
Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee Strongly Urges 60 Acute Care Beds at the Future South Muskoka Hospital Site and the ‘Care Close to Home V2’ Healthcare Model for MAHC Redevelopment
The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) has completed a comprehensive assessment on the healthcare delivery models proposed for the Muskoka hospital sites. This assessment evaluates the Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare’s (MAHC) “Made in Muskoka” model and the newly redeveloped “Care Close to Home V2” model that is virtually unanimously endorsed by physicians in South Muskoka.…
MAHC Hospital Redevelopment Plan Must be Subject to Public Accountability
The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee (SSMHC) writes in full support of the recent effort by municipal elected representatives and officials to subject the MAHC hospital redevelopment plan to further public accountability through the Town of Bracebridge and the District of Muskoka. Particularly, given the substantial local municipal tax dollars presently allotted to the hospital…
The Courage of Leadership and Graciousness of Support
The Save South Muskoka Hospital Committee has been fervently advocating for months, pressing Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare to honour its commitment to build two acute care hospitals in Huntsville and Bracebridge, equipped with shared amenities and adequate beds. Regrettably, MAHC has disregarded both established protocols and common sense necessary for access to equitable healthcare across our…

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